This is how my personal spiritual altar looked on the day I received the good news about my novel manuscript from my now-publisher. Note the Creative Writing card from Archangel Gabriel and the Victory card from Archangel Sandalphon that I’d drawn early that morning, as is my routine. Creative Writing Victory! Hurray for angel blessings!
The happy dance continues as my debut novel “More Than You Think You Know” is being prepped for publication in 2015. But I’m also taking the sage advice of successful authors and getting on with research for the next book(s). My second novel mixes marine and metaphysical elements. As always, I live my research. Only this time I’m not smoking and drinking and sometimes waking up with hangovers thanks to overindulging with my characters (Sigh. It was sorta fun while it lasted). Instead, I’m playing with both real and idealized aspects of yoga, crystals, tarot and other mystical pathways to knowing. And I’m tapping.
There’s no tap dancing around it (although I do that, too!). The Emotional Freedom Technique aka “EFT” commonly known as “tapping” looks a little nutty. So what? It feels great. Even if you’re skeptical about tapping for wealth, to calm your anxiety, banish inner resistance or remove other psychological blocks that are holding you back, the physiological effects aren’t in dispute. Very gently tapping on the pressure points of your face, for example, promotes sinus drainage and blood flow.
My first EFT experience was Margaret Lynch’s YouTube megahit “Tapping for $50,000.”
It’s so fun! I’ve enjoyed working with it several times, so much so that I signed up for her free tapping course, which includes self-affirmation scripts and more videos. Margaret likes to summon what she calls “lower center stuff,” those yucky, negative feelings many of us have grown up with regarding money, whether we were raised with a lot or a little.
After tapping for several rounds over a month, experimenting with Margaret’s videos as well as some other YouTube tappers, I was reluctant to keep tapping out negative stuff. It felt like I was picking at a scab or digging in the garbage for crap I’d already thrown away. I didn’t want to re-activate the past. Since then I’ve only done Lynch’s positive rounds, which I still love, including Tapping for Miracles, Tapping for $50,000 Part 2 and Something Big is About to Happen
Sessions are short, 5 to 9 minutes, and generally begin by using one hand to tap on the karate-chop point of the other hand (your choice, left or right), followed by tapping on the brow point, on the cheekbone below the eye, the upper lip, the collar-bone hollows and the top of the head. If you try it, you’ll see it’s easy enough to follow along. And if Margaret’s style doesn’t resonate with you there are many other options.
In the sweet way that the perfect yoga practice for me each day always easily comes to me (so grateful!) I randomly discovered a positive, joyful tapping session that I do more than the others. I still enjoy tapping for $50,000 in my savings account. I love the thought of having more money. But I receive the immediate rewards of pure, positive feelings from this Yogea Artflow “Stimulating and Pacifying” session. Rhythmically tapping on different body parts to connect to the greater universe doesn’t summon any dark parts of my belief system or how it was imposed on me. It doesn’t summon lack-off, less-than or not-enough feelings. It just feels right. Bonus: While not super-exertive it’s also a pretty good workout.
If you’re of sound mind and open to new spiritual and motivational techniques, EFT can be fun and freeing. If you’ve got negative money patterns clogging your subconscious or out in the open, it pays to offload old ways of thinking. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’d welcome more money in your life. Thinking money is evil or that we’re bad to want it is silly. Sometimes the spiritual world couches this desire for cash in fuzzy terms, such as “manifesting abundance.” Yes, an abundance of love, health and happiness is far more important than money. But there’s a lot to be said for the kind of prosperity you can take to the bank.
As my character and plot arcs fill in I’m beginning to figure out how aspects of Emotional Freedom Technique will come into play. Just not sure of the specifics (that’s the fun of it!). Inciting event? Escalation? Moment of truth? Comic relief? As is the case with character studies and background research, a fraction of what I’m learning will likely appear in the book. As a terrific guest post by Brenda Janowitz on The Writers Dig (Writer’s Digest editor Brian Klem’s must-follow blog) points out, filling in all the aspects of character backgrounds provides backbone to the story.
There are a lot of woo-woo aspects to my work in progress, and tapping isn’t the strangest, by a long shot. Years from now most of the topics I’m writing about in “Yoga For Smokers” will probably be widely accepted. Spirituality and holistic approaches to well-being are gaining momentum, and so it is that there is an increasing mainstream awareness about EFT. I’m pleased to add a ripple to the outward flow of info, along with outlets and leaders including the Huffington Post and Spirit Junkie Gabrielle Bernstein.
My storyline will be all the richer for the research. And that $50,000 I’ve been tapping for may show up any day now. Really big things do happen.
I’ve got the publishing contract to prove it.
What are some practices you’ve tried to manifest wealth and well-being in your life? Has research you’ve done for your writing every led you to personal revelations or downfalls?
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