My physical therapist suggests I type lying on my stomach. Ever tried it? Not comfortable. But nothing has been comfortable since the sciatica smackdown June 26. Happy to report I’m getting better, although still sidelined. Standing, walking or sitting for more than 30 minutes hurts. That’s part of the reason More Than You Think You Know isn’t in local bookstores yet, except for Grandpa’s Barn in Copper Harbor. If you happen to head into Copper World, Book World, North Wind Books at Finlandia, or any other awesome local bookstore anywhere, you can ask for More Than You Think You Know, and it can be ordered through national book distributors Ingram or Baker and Taylor. Tell ’em I’ll visit as soon as I’m up and about and in their neck of the woods. If the ISBN number or other info is needed besides title and author, they’re welcome to contact me or my publisher, Beating Windward Press.
The original date I got for the novel’s release was June 28. That was too soon for Amazon. Sorry for any confusion. We’re all learning together about how authors get books to readers— and how books are released to the public.
Craving a signed copy? Signings begin later this summer at places like the Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor art shows in August (and on the porch at Grandpa’s), but if you’re not in the Copper Country or want a signed copy now, please message me on Facebook either on my Author page, or personal page (if you’re a pal), or email for details. I’m delighted — and grateful — to do that. You’ll even get a nifty bookmark. I’ve also got some copies in my trunk if you want to buy direct. And of course you’ll hear about it when I’m at libraries and everywhere else where readers and writers get together.

How should I autograph your signed, personalized copy of More Than You Think You Know?
That’s enough stomach typing for now. I do not recommend it. The excitement I feel about readers getting their hands and eyes on my novel is second only to being able to walk around like an energetic human again. I miss sun salutes (forward-folding is prohibited while healing—my daily practice is all about cobras and planks). From this pain I have learned about balance, strength, patience and most of all expanded compassion for those who live with chronic pain. Pain of any duration changes you. I’m choosing to use this experience to make positive changes. It is a weird time to slow down, but that’s what’s being asked of me.
Enough about moi. It’s the perfect time of year for long lazy hammock days with a juicy read. Enjoy! Remember that I’d love to see a photo of you reading More Than You Think You Know on the beach, in your lounge chair, in the cottage on a rainy day, wherever. Please share! And Amazon reviews are a thing, so if you like the book, throw a debut novelist as many stars as you can.
Welcome aboard a cruise downriver with Hailey, Robin and Trish. Thanks for coming along on this wild ride — and here’s to your dreams come true!
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